Is your shower too cold? Possible causes of lukewarm water

A hot shower is a great way to start the day and can leave you feeling completely refreshed and prepared to tackle whatever the coming hours have in store. If you don’t have access to hot water in the morning, you can be left feeling dirty and highly uncomfortable, which can have a big effect on your productivity, with your personal hygiene also taking a dip. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons for your shower not being hot enough right now.

Incorrect water heater temperature

People often find that the reason for their insufficiently warm water is that the temperature hasn’t been set high enough. Take a look at the current reading to see if everything is set to the right level. If you have an electric water heater, your problem may be down to a worn-down element. This issue can cause water to only heat up for a few moments before progress grinds to a halt. It can also stop water from heating up at all.

Malfunctioning dip tube

Maybe your hot water heater was installed a long time ago? If so, your cold water dip tube may be less effective than it once was. It could be sending cold water to your hot water feed pipe, not your burner. This can leave you without hot water. Your tap aerators will tell you what condition your dip tube is currently in. If it has started to fall apart, it will need to be replaced.

Broken shower valve washers

If your washers in your shower valve are worn down, you may not be getting the right balance of hot and cold water. Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to replace your washers and therefore eliminate your problem. If you’re not confident about completing this task yourself, you can get a professional plumber to help you.

Test all of your taps

Run water from taps throughout your home to see if the problem is affecting your other water sources. If the taps give you a small amount of hot water before the temperature drops, you may have a broken or deteriorating dip tube. However, the blame can likely be directed to your shower system if you’re receiving consistent hot water from your taps.

Other potential causes

You may be lacking in hot water because other members of your household have already used it. If you’re running your washing machine at the same time as showering, this can also cause problems. Perhaps you’re running your shower whilst your hot water heater is off-cycle? This may have caused your issue.

Contact Ability

If you are having a problem with your shower and need help from the professionals, contact Ability today. You can reach us by completing the form on our website, by calling us on 01892 514495, or by sending a message to We’ll get back to you as soon as we possibly can so we can restore your shower to its former glory.


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