Get your plumbing ready for 2022

The advent of a new year is a great time to get your plumbing system in order. Winter is far from over, and there are steps that you can take to reduce the chances of costly boiler inefficiencies from arising during the next few weeks and months. If you’re now ready to make a few new year’s plumbing resolutions to keep repair bills to a minimum or avoid being met with them completely, read on.

Try not to waste water

Using as little water as possible is great for the environment and can help you keep your plumbing system in tip-top condition. Steps you can take to reduce your water consumption include switching the tap off when brushing your teeth, taking your vehicle to a car wash that recycles water, running shallower baths and taking shorter showers.

Be careful about what you put down your drains

You should only ever allow liquids down your drains. This doesn’t include thick grease which could clog up your pipes. Avoid letting anything down your drain that isn’t water or a watery substance. Things many people let into their drains include food, paper towels and cotton, to give just a few examples. If you do allow these into your plumbing system, there’s a big chance you will come to regret it later. Don’t flush anything down your toilet that you aren’t supposed to.

Get your plumbing system checked over

It’s a great idea to invite a plumber round on an annual basis to see if you have any issues with your plumbing. A professional plumber should be able to spot problems whilst they are still small so you can stop them from spiralling out of control and costing you more. Your plumber may also provide you with valuable tips to help you care for your system more efficiently.

Invest in bathroom upgrades

If you have older fixtures and appliances in your bathroom, you could be wasting more water and energy than you think. There are many energy-efficient solutions on the market that can help you win the battle against water waste. More and more people are investing in LED lighting, new tiling and showers to make their bathrooms more energy efficient. This will also make your bathroom more pleasant to use.

Talk to Ability

At Ability, we are here to help if you need assistance with anything related to plumbing within your home or business premises. We have been a leading player in our field for several years and can help you to overcome a host of bathroom-related issues. We can also help you if you need boiler repairs, upgrades and servicing. Our fully qualified electricians can safely adjust any electrical supply needed.

To reach Ability today, you can give us a call on 01892 514495 or send an email to Alternatively, simply get in touch with us by using the form on the website and we’ll get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

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