How to remove a radiator before decorating

A step-by-step tutorial to remove a radiator in the UK.

When preparing to decorate a room in the United Kingdom, one essential step is removing the radiator to ensure easy access to the walls.

Here’s a brief guide on how to do it safely and effectively:

  1. Turn Off the Heating: Begin by turning off your central heating system. This will allow the water inside the radiator to cool down, making the removal process safer.
  2. Gather Necessary Tools: You’ll need a few tools, including a radiator bleed key, an adjustable wrench, a bucket or towels to catch any water, and plastic caps to seal off the valves.
  3. Bleed the Radiator: Use the radiator bleed key to release any air from the radiator. Place a bucket or towels underneath to catch any water that may escape.
  4. Close the Valves: Locate the valves on either side of the radiator. Use the adjustable wrench to close both the flow and return valves. This step is crucial to prevent water from leaking when you disconnect the radiator.
  5. Disconnect the Radiator: Carefully loosen and disconnect the nuts connecting the radiator to the valves. Be prepared for some water to drip out, so keep a bucket or towels handy.
  6. Remove the Radiator: Lift the radiator off its brackets or wall mounts. Ensure you have assistance if it’s a large radiator, as they can be heavy. Place the radiator in a safe and dry location.
  7. Cap the Valves: To prevent debris from entering the heating system and to seal off the valves temporarily, use plastic caps or wraps.
  8. Ensure you tidy up any spilled water or debris resulting from the removal process. After successfully taking out the old radiator, you can proceed with installing the new one by following the aforementioned steps in reverse order.

Important Reminder: Always adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines for your particular radiator and any supplementary safety measures recommended for your specific location or heating system.

Now that the radiator is safely removed, you can proceed with your decorating project without any obstructions. When you’re ready to reinstall the radiator, simply reverse these steps, making sure to bleed the radiator once more to remove any air before turning the heating system back on.

Need a plumber?

You might opt to enlist the services of a plumber. If you choose to do so, our team at Ability is available to provide assistance. You can reach out to Ability by completing the form available on our website, calling us at (+44) 01892 514495, or sending a message to Rest assured, we prioritise prompt responses and will get back to you as swiftly as possible. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary help and guidance without delay.

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