Essential gas central heating money saving tips

If like many people in the UK, you are looking for ways to reduce your gas central heating usage to make the cost of living crisis more bearable as we head into the colder months of the year, we have several useful tips for you. Let’s take a look at five of the most vital gas central heating money saving tips right now.

Keep your heating low

One of the most effective ways to reduce your gas bill is to make some changes t the way you live. Turning your thermostat down a few degrees and wearing a warm jumper or onesie can help you reduce your gas bills considerably. Be sure to turn off radiators in rooms that you rarely or never use.

Reduce your water temperature

Most of today’s boilers have a dial that allows you to adjust the temperature of the water that comes out of your taps. The hotter your water is, the more gas you will be using. Big savings are available if you reduce your water to a warm temperature from a piping hot one.

Use a smart thermostat

In properly insulated homes, heat doesn’t escape for around an hour after you have turned your heating off. You can make noticeable savings by switching your heating off around 30 minutes earlier in the evening and turning it on approximately 30 minutes later in the morning. A smart thermostat will allow you to make these changes with ease.

Get your pipes insulated

If your pipes aren’t already insulated, it may be time to remedy this. Insulated pipes ensure hot water remains warm for longer and reduces heat loss. You can also insulate your hot water tank with a tank jacket. When you opt for both of these methods, you could reduce heat loss by around 75%.

Have your boiler serviced or replace it

Boiler owners are advised to have their systems serviced each year by a Gas Safe engineer to ensure they are running at their maximum capacities and efficiencies. You can expect an engineer to inspect the system, replace any broken parts and clean it. These steps can help you avoid a breakdown and keep your bills low. If your boiler is more than 10 years old, it may be best to replace it. Boilers that have been in use for a decade or more tend to lose much of their efficiency and can break down more regularly. At Ability, we are here to help if you need your boiler serviced or are looking for a new boiler installation in the south east.

Contact us

Why wait any longer to get in touch if you do need to have your boiler serviced or replaced in the south east? You can reach us by completing the form on our website, by giving us a call on (+44) 01892 514495 or by sending a message to We will get back to you as quickly as we possibly can.

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